Friday, April 20, 2007

SPF- Knobs

In front of Condo C are the most gorgeous dogwood trees that are currently in their peak. I love to see them, it reminds me of so much (if you're religious, you know what I'm talking about) in terms of symbols. In the middle of the blossom are several "knobs." If you look closely, you'll see several little knob-ish features. Here's my first "knob," a dogwood blossom:

Picture 001

My second "knob" entry is one that is important for many reasons:

Picture 015

This is the door knob on the door at my office. One day, almost four years ago, I opened this door and started my career. Once I walked through this door, my life was forever changed. I went from being a lowly intern college brat to a full time staffer, wife and friend. So yeah, deep stuff for today's SPF, huh? HA!

On a side note, Mr. J and I are flying to NC to pick up my car today (see post below). After almost two months of using public transportation (gasp!), I'm going to be a member of the nightmare that is Washington DC rush hour once again. Happy Friday!


Wendy said...

You were so creative with your knobs. Very nice.

Thanks for stopping by.

Lulu said...

Very pretty dogwood blossoms!!!

Don't worry, you aren't missing anything with all the washer settings. I say this because I don't even know what they're all for!!!

Connie T. said...

Good idea for knobs. I have lots of pictures of those flowers. I love them. Thanks for stopping by.
Enjoy your new car.

tommie said...

those blossoms are so pretty!!

I love love love that new car scent.

i played....happy friday.

san said...

the blossoms are very pretty... nice take on the knobs :)

Happy SPF and thanks for stopping by :)

tommie said...

my door hanging baskets are from Longaberger.

Elizabeth said...

Love the blossoms. Happy SPF.

Jean Katherine Baldridge said...

very reflective post and nice photos

I played

Army of Mom said...

I love dogwoods and I know the story there. :)

Good one!

Bella said...

I love Dogwoods.

How much do you love your new car?