W is for What the?!?! Check out that hat. This could probably go for Dallas K's Fug Thursday as well but we'll use it here today. Mr. J and his go USA hat that G bought at the NASCAR gas station for $4.99. What a deal, folks.
Mr. J and I traveled to Raleigh, NC this weekend to hang out with Mr. J's brother G. Let's just say that Raleigh is a little too "hot" for us literally.
Upon arrival, we find out G's air conditioning has broken and it's 85 degrees inside his house. After deciding that no one should make our sweat into colognes, we move outside and opted to spend the weekend grilling out and hanging out by the pool. A good call. Over all, it was a great weekend in Raleigh regardless of the heat and humidity.
The best part? I got to catch up with my college roommates A & B who I don't get to see nearly enough. It's so funny to see each other now that we're "grown up" and have real jobs. B is a realtor so her amazingly tanned skin is a result of doing work by the pool. Kind of makes me want to reconsider my 8:30-5:30 job. A is the same person I met 7 years ago when she commented on my flower pj pants in the hall of Hoey Dorm. It's a good thing these ladies don't change, they keep me grounded in many ways.
G and his girlfriend H were the reason we drove four and a half hours into the heat. We never get to see them and we are all about being around our family lately so this was a good excuse.
It actually made us both realize that there may be life after the big city. Lately, we've been sort of "what if"-ing a lot. What if we have a baby? What if we sell our condo? What if we find jobs in NC? Ultimately, that's the goal, move to NC, sell the condo and have a baby... it's just the timing that's all a little unsettling. But this weekend was refreshing in that we realized that if we do move back to NC, we will have a life. We will have friends around. We will have jobs that may not pay as much but provide us with the same quality of life that we have now. It may not have been so monumental for Mr. J but for me, it was good. It showed me a life that I don't mind living can be closer to home than I had expected. (Mom, no reason to start packing boxes yet, it will be a little longer before leave the big city)
Here's a few more pics from the weekend:
Welcome to WCW! Nice hat. My husband has one almost just like it. He doesn't wear it thank God!
I played too.
Awwwww! Looks like you guys had a good time!
And that hat...well, if what I see in the background is indicative of your styles and tastes I will guess that Mr. J has better taste than to actually wear this in public...unless highly inebriated.
And yes, welcome to WCW!
WWWWWWWWWWWWhat the?!!??! Bonus Points!
Does Mr. J realize what $4.99 can buy these days? A gallon of gas. A grande blended two-pump raspberry two-pump no whipped mocha. I mean, I don't want to be ugly, but um, how do I say this? WHY? WHY? WHY? WHY? ;)
Looks like fun from the weekend!
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