Ok so she didn't want us to clean them but honestly, I am OCD when it comes to my hairbrush. I clean it multiple times a morning. I hate when I look at it and see long hairs hanging out so I clean it... over... and over... again. What's that? You think I'm strange? Yeah, I'm sure it is a little overboard but it keeps me sane so whatever. If my old roommate B sees this, she may wonder how in the world I have this brush considering that it's HERS and I stole it from her in college and still use it everyday... oh well. Somethings are just worth getting caught over.
So if you look closely, you'll see my brush is lying on top of my carry on luggage because I'm flying to Arkansas today! I'm going to visit my best friend R and her husband and daughter. R was my hair stylist and confidant when she lived in DC and since August, I have missed her more and more everyday (especially when I have to suck it up and pay $75 for a haircut). So you'll be seeing a new 'do on me soon and I'll be sure to post fun pictures. We're supposed to go to a lake on Sunday, fun times!
One more shameless plea... Mr. J is taking the GMAT tomorrow in hopes of getting into MBA school. Please send up all your prayers so that he does well enough to get into George Mason so that he can make enough money to support my lazy butt!! Thanks everyone!
I clean mine all the time too. Looking at loose random hairs make me gag... especially while I'm brushing my teeth! We're all a little wierd. : )
Have fun in AR!
Happy SPF!
LOL Well, when you find what works, I guess you've just gotta have it! :P
Have a great trip! Thanks for stopping by!
Crossing my fingers for Mr. J!
Ummmm I'm not so good about cleaning it. Like another blogger said "it's my nasty"
Have a great weekend!
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