Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Sanford & the ramp

Mom got a well deserved break yesterday, she went home for the first time since the accident happened. She met with some of the insurance folks and some of dad's coworkers to discuss building a new ramp for the house. We need to have a ramp that can accomodate dad in his wheelchair and that's no easy task. Because of his knees, he will have to keep his legs straight out in front of him and because of his back injury, he can't sit straight up, he must be reclined. So this means he has a specially designed wheelchair that won't take sharp turns well. So they plotted out the best design for a ramp and planned to come back and build it soon.

I would like to take a moment here to mention how wonderful dad's company, Sanford Contractors has been. Where do I begin? From the moment the accident happened, they have been looking out for all of us and making sure we are taken care of. The insurance company has been wonderful and they have assigned a rehabilitation worker to dad to make sure he has everything taken care of. It is such a blessing to know that he works for such a dedicated company. And it's very good to know that his coworkers respect him the way they do. They've already started talking about getting him "back to work" as soon as possible which is good for everyone.

And so many from the company have visited. Geez, I can't even name them all! Randall and Brent have been there numerous times, keeping dad in a good mood and they were there yesterday at our house helping mom with ramp ideas. The owner of Sanford Contractors, Donnie, came by as well a few days ago and told dad he can come back whenever he wants. What a relief to know that they want him to come back to work!

I have to run, but I'll write more and update everyone on his new wheelchair/toilet mechanism... I know you're all anxious to hear about this!

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