Wednesday, July 4, 2007

More updates

Today has been a good day. Daddy's taken his first ride around in a wheelchair so that was exciting. They got him up in the wheelchair and drove him around the hallway for his physical therapy and he got to see a bit of new scenery. His "specialty" wheelchair is designed so that his legs will lie straight in front of him and his torso is able to lay back. At this point, he is unable to sit straight up so with this reclining wheelchair, it's the only way for him to get around. It's a big step for him to be mobile!

Since today's the fourth of July, the mass of doctors hasn't been so bad. He had the trauma team in first thing this morning, then the physical therapy folks but it really hasn't been that bad. Supposedly they are having fireworks at Keenan Stadium tonight at 9:30 pm so maybe we'll be able to see those.

We're still unclear on when he will have surgery and move to the rehabilitation wing. The latest update was that he'd go to rehab tomorrow and then have surgery in 7-10 days. We're hoping to go up to the rehab wing on the 7th floor sometime to walk around and check things out. When he does get to rehab, they will teach him how to be more independent. Right now, we are moving his legs and placing pillows around his body in order to make him more comfortable. Rehab will help him to learn how to do all of this on his own.

Some good news, still no pneumonia! He's still hot all the time but fortunately, his breathing exercises seem to be doing their job. We've got the a/c in his room set at about 60 degrees so we are all freezing but he is sweating away. Melissa's fanning him right now trying to get him cooled off. We said we were going to buy big palm leaves to fan him with and feed him grapes... ha!

Today he was able to get rid of the oxygen and the iv in his arm. These are the last two steps he had to conquer in order to get him to rehab so he's doing well! He's eating well and we keep getting more and more home cooked food from visitors so thank you all so much.

Keep the prayers a coming, he is already so much better than he was yesterday!

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