You'll notice he has noticably less stuff hanging around and attached to him. He's gotten rid of the oxygen and the ivs in the past few days so he's doing a lot better. The ultra sound of his artery went well. The vein graph was a sucess and the doctors are all pleased with the way it is healing. Prayer is working!
We got the word that the rehab wing was ready for us so we packed up and loaded him on a stretcher. They walked him up here and then when we were loading him back onto the bed, we got a little off in our timing and he was in intense pain for a few minutes. We had to stop what we were doing, put him back on the stretcher and figure out another option. Luckily, the staff here knew right what to do and grabbed a slick sheet to help him to slide onto the bed. It was much less painful the second time around, but he's been in pain for a while since then.
Mom's tired but of course she has yet to complain about anything. She's actually napping now as I type this. Her medical knowledge has been so helpful because she remembers their "lingo" and can repeat it when the next round of doctors come in to check up on him.
So I'm sure you're all dying to see the new room. HA! Here's some pics.
The best part is the window. We joke about being on people patrol because you can actually look out of the window and see the folks that are walking in from the parking deck. It's so interesting to be able to people watch from seven floors up! Here's the view
Since it's the weekend now, his physical therapy tomorrow won't be as intense as it is during the week. With the weekend staff, they only do about half of what the weekday staff can do. This will be good becuase it will let dad ease into the physical therapy. In total, they will do about three hours of physical therapy a day. It's not all at once, it's in shifts. They'll let him calm down and rest in between in order to keep him from tiring too badly.
They are thinking he'll be in physical therapy for 10-14 days. We're not sure when his reconstructive surgery will be, but if they had to guess, they said it would be several weeks away.
As you can tell from the picture above, he's come a long way in a week. We're just hopeful that he continues at this rate.
1 comment:
Jenn - Thanks for the updates and the pictures, it's almost as good as being able to be there to visit. Your dad looks better in every picture that you post. Let him know we are all still praying for him, and will especially pray for therapy to go well and to not be too painful or exhausting. Candi
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