Friday, April 20, 2007

SPF- Knobs

In front of Condo C are the most gorgeous dogwood trees that are currently in their peak. I love to see them, it reminds me of so much (if you're religious, you know what I'm talking about) in terms of symbols. In the middle of the blossom are several "knobs." If you look closely, you'll see several little knob-ish features. Here's my first "knob," a dogwood blossom:

Picture 001

My second "knob" entry is one that is important for many reasons:

Picture 015

This is the door knob on the door at my office. One day, almost four years ago, I opened this door and started my career. Once I walked through this door, my life was forever changed. I went from being a lowly intern college brat to a full time staffer, wife and friend. So yeah, deep stuff for today's SPF, huh? HA!

On a side note, Mr. J and I are flying to NC to pick up my car today (see post below). After almost two months of using public transportation (gasp!), I'm going to be a member of the nightmare that is Washington DC rush hour once again. Happy Friday!

Monday, April 16, 2007

New Car has arrived!!

So my new car has arrived. It's in North Carolina and we have to fly down this weekend and pick it up. Regardless, I am SOOOOO excited I could wet my pants! Here's a couple pics so you can see the new Jenny-mobile, a 2008 Ford Escape:



That big white piece of paper there is a "SOLD" sign indicating that it's mine! I've waited for 2 months to get this thing, it better be awesome!! It has a moonroof, satellite radio, wet trunk, side impact airbags, recycled seat covers and a port so I can connect my iPod. I'll be glad to give reports on performance once it's officially in my possession. Until then, all I have are these pictures to look at and drool over... hurry up weekend, get here quickly!!!

Friday, April 13, 2007

Friday Fill-In

1. When I need inspiration I look to my brother and sister!
2. Sleeping is my favorite way to recharge my batteries.
3. I never get sick of my three favorite foods, crabcakes, lasagna and Krispy Kreme donuts.
4. One of my fondest memories is getting off the bus daily at my grandmother's house. We would sew tiny pillows and make chicken and dumplings.
5. My husband, Mr. J always makes me laugh (even when I'm mad at him and I love that).
6. I am organized, happy and try to be crafty!
7. This weekend, I'm looking forward to Sunday night, it's Mr. J's birthday dinner with friends.

I found this Friday Fill-In at fondofsnape and I hope you play too!

Thursday, April 12, 2007


So Kristine at Random & Odd has made this week's assignment your "stuff." Stuff that when folks see it, they go, "Oh, that's so Jenny B!" So here's my stuff:

SPF 001
Now let's examine closer...
SPF 002SPF 003SPF 004
First is the hubby. Mr. J is definitely part of my stuff. Next is my technology; my cell phone (that I have a tendency to forget lately), my iPod (that needs to be updated) and my first digital camera (my graduation present from Mr. J). Next is a metro pass because as of right now, this is how my lazy butt gets around town. The big old ring is a gag gift my mom gave me before Mr. J proposed but it definitely shows my attraction to big shiny things including diamonds. The mullet air freshner is an ongoing joke in Mr. J's family. The deer attracts chicks (I highly recommend everyone has one of these in their car!).

The small chap stick is a Chap Ice brand, and to us, it is otherwise known as "The Best Chapstick Ever." You won't see me without seeing my Chap Ice. There's ski gloves because skiing is the most fun I get out of any sport and I only wish we lived near bigger mountains. The pom-pom is for my alma-mater Appalachian State University (two time national football champs, baby!). Real Simple is my favorite magazine and the stuff inside has changed my life.

The two things on here that best describe me according to my husband: the stationery. I have an addiction to stationery. Any time I find a new, cute design, I am compelled to buy it. Some women love shoes, some love make up, I love stationery. So the personalized note card was a wedding present and the yellow thank you card is one that I made myself (what do you think?).

All in all, this is me in a nutshell. This is my "stuff." Did you play??


My 16 yeard old brother DK plays baseball for his high school Varsity team. The coach's father is a legend among the baseball players. He comes to every practice and game and tells stories of his baseball days. They all love it and he's become the unofficial grandfather to all the baseball players.

This week is spring break, so DK came to the hospital where mom works to pick her up and take her out to lunch. After lunch, he says to her, "Mom, before I leave, I have to go visit the coach's father, he's here at the hospital and I've got to go see him." My mom said, "Ok," and then went along her way without thinking twice about it.

The next day, mom runs into the baseball coach in the cafeteria and he says to her, "Your son visited my father yesterday and it meant the world to him. He's the only player that has even thought about him being sick, much less came to visit him and that means a lot. He's a good kid, that DK." Mom smiles proudly with a tear in her eye and says, "Yes, he is a good kid." Talk about knowing you've done a good job as a parent!

My brother

Here's my little brother pitching at his game on Monday night. He finished the game off by pitching in the last inning and they won. Go Wildcats!

Saturday, April 7, 2007

April snow

So we wake up this morning to this:

Snow in April

Yeah, it's April... and we have snow on the ground. Granted it was just a dusting, it's a little late for snow don't you think? We weren't really expecting this to be the view from condo c but we'll take whatever we can get... if only this was happening in January when it was ski season.

I'm off to Michaels and JoAnn's (my favorite stores). There's a big sale and I have a 30% off coupon. MomUnderground, I'll tell you all about my attempt to make your awesome totes when I return!

Thursday, April 5, 2007

SPF- Holy

My girlfriend SM took this picture at our wedding. Us girls were getting ready in one room of the church, the guys in another. As we were doing our make up and hair, SM came running into the room screaming "Jesus is here! Jesus is at your wedding!" Sure enough, there on the wall was Jesus, just hanging out, watching us all get ready. I consider the Jesus picture to be pretty 'HOLY' so that's my SPF for the week.


For all of you photography buffs, you'll have to forgive me on this one considering I am using a 6 month old picture and considering that it's almost Easter and I should have been more creative. I promise next week will be better! Happy Easter everyone!

The View from Condo C

The balcony from Condo C gives us a nice "lake view" as the real estate market would like to call it. To us, it's a chance to look out the window and see that yet again, our beautiful water sprays are not working... darn you condo association! We will win this war against you! (when we moved in, there were three beautiful water sprays in the pond... they stopped working shortly thereafter and this has been a battle let me tell you)

It also allows us to see the one, and I say it again, ONE tree that is blooming right now in our community. So after our daily walk/run (yes folks, we're starting to get active again) we cooled down by relaxing on our patio and noticed the beautiful tree staring at us, just begging for attention. So here's the tree.

Mixed Pics 067

We've lived in condo c for a while now and it's come to really feel like home. However, there are still things left to do... like remodeling the kitchen, repainting the guest bath, making our bathroom a two-sinker instead of a one-sinker. It's enough that we have to share a bed, Mr. J is ready for his own sink. I can't say I blame him, I am kind of a sink hog when I'm brushing my teeth and washing my face...

The first task at hand is the kitchen and thanks to the tax return we received, that will be happening soon. I'll keep you all informed on the progress but let me just say that I don't know how we'll survive without our kitchen I mean we use it so much... wait, who am I kidding? :) We'll be fine. I'm sure we'll manage to keep our fridge hooked up the living room (again, I'm glad to post pictures of our life of disarray when it happens) so we'll be eating a solid diet of anything that fits in the fridge and that can be microwaved. That's going to do wonders for the lovehandles I'm sure!

Wednesday, April 4, 2007

High School Jenny B

Brainy Kid
In high school, you were acing AP classes or hanging out in the computer lab.
You may have been a bit of a geek back then, but now you're a total success!
Who Were You In High School?

I'm pretty sure that anyone that knew me back then would agree that I was a total dork in high school so I'd have to say this one was right on. Funny, at the time, I would have never seen myself this way. I thought (like most folks) that I was trying hard to be the popular kid, always getting close enough to just barely reach in and say hello then be brought back to reality... "Oh Mr. Abercrombiepants, you don't want to hang out with me after school? Then why are you always staring at me in class? Oh, you were cheating off my paper... great." :::::sigh:::::

Oh the life of the not-so-cool kid continues.